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Playful Türkiye

Your Publishing Partner in Türkiye

Reach 2.5+ million Turkish players. Let’s win Türkiye together.

Connect With Us

Did you know: Türkiye is ranked 7 in terms of Steam users worldwide.

How does it work?

We work with you to ensure your game is best prepared for the Turkish market and is heard by the Turkish players.

We analyze your game, consult you on pricing & translation and brief the Turkish press about it. No fees attached, we only take commissions from the sales that take place in Türkiye, we are successful only if we help you succeed.

Did you know: We’re located in İstanbul, the heart of Türkiye and city of cats.

Why does it matter?

Türkiye has a lot of gamers but it’s often overlooked as a market. As a central EMEA Country and being close to Europe; Türkiye has specific needs and a lot of potential for your game.

We help you to reach that potential and acquire more players and revenue.

Our Services

All your specific needs for publishing in Türkiye is covered by our services.


PresskIt & BrIefIng




TranslatIon Q&A





Learn More in Pitch Deck

Contact Us

We are also game developers, we understand you might have concerns and a lot of questions.

We truly believe your game will benefit from our services, get in contact with one of our publishing managers and ask them all the questions you might have.